Image captured from Buni Mini FabLab the guy is waiting to be integrated to the e-waste 3d printer. |
Quiet morning at Buni hub, the hub is being renovated ready for Buni version 2.0, whereby the hub will have new look and more tools and resources to create conducive environment for innovators and entrepreneurs working at the hub. Nassor Selemani, a young innovator visited the hub for an interview session with the hub managers. Nassor visited the hub few weeks ago to showcase some of his projects and prototypes that he has been developing from his hometown in Same, Kilimanjaro, Northern Tanzania.
Nassoro is coming from a family of two kids. He is living with his father who is not in good health condition. His mother and brother has passed. Currently, he is Dar es Salaam visiting his relatives. Nassoro brother in law was so much amazed with what he can do after seeing some of his works. He decided to bring Nassoro to Buni hub to see if Buni can support him on his projects and expose him to opportunities that are available for him out there.
Nassor started to create gadgets when he was still in primary school. He created his first model of car when he was in standard five. The car was using the magnetic forces to navigate from one area to the other. Currently, the car can navigate even further since he is using electric motors instead of magnets to make it navigate.
“Am working on developing a quad-copter like the one you show me last time, the one you called drone.” Nassoro Selemani
Nassoro has been making different things for the past five years, some of his projects includes; digital clock, short distance phones, electrical boats and the magnetic controlled car. The only thing that drives him to work on those different gadgets is the passion that he has on making things. Nassoro loves physics and chemistry, on one of his projects he created a rocket using mixture of homemade chemicals.
The first time he came at Buni hub, he was exposed to the drone technologies. He was very interested on how the drones work and according to the interview we had with him, he has already started to work on making a quad-copter. He wants to attach a camera at the bottom and make it operate like a drone which takes pictures from the air.
When we asked him if has already use a computer before and if he owns one, he replied that he has been using internet to gather information about gadgets and learn some concepts of different gadgets and how they work. He requested us if we can arrange for him to get a personal computer that he can use to learn and explore more, that will be a major help to him. The current computer he is using is founder at his brother’s office and rarely he got the chance to use it.
“If you are good on something just work on it and people will realize how good you are” Nassoro Selemani
Sometime, early next year Buni will possibly be working on project to make drones from locally available resources and import few tools to assist in the process. Buni hub has given a chance to Nassoro to come and work at the hub and to use the tools that will be available on our new mini fabrication laboratory at the hub.
Nassoro is still studying and he is currently not living in Dar es Salaam, we have advised him to visit us during the Easter holidays and he will have a chance to work on his drown project with the makers team from the hub.
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